This is a general information request form. Fill out your info and we'll get right back to you.
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
Every member of the Brown Harris Stevens sales team is an elite real estate professional who will provide you with an outstanding level of service and extensive knowledge about the area and properties for sale. We are pleased to stand above the rest as one of Miami's most-respected sales teams. Our licensed professionals are members in good standing of the National Association of Realtors, the Florida Association of Realtors, and the Miami Association of Realtors
I speak English
(786) 447-8340 E-Mail Me
Meet RodolpheYou are requesting information from Rodolphe Acelor
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(954) 655-6762 E-Mail Me
Meet LornaYou are requesting information from Lorna Acuna
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, French, Arabic
(786) 554-9334 E-Mail Me
Meet ImanYou are requesting information from Iman Ajlani PA
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish, Hebrew
305-457-9109 E-Mail Me
Meet MaayanYou are requesting information from Maayan Alishayev
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(305) 613-3376 E-Mail Me
Meet Sandra K.You are requesting information from Sandra K. Alonso
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
917-767-1082 E-Mail Me
Meet CharlesYou are requesting information from Charles Andrews
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Italian, Spanish
(305) 798-5344 E-Mail Me
Meet SuzelYou are requesting information from Suzel Araguez
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(312) 371-8379 E-Mail Me
Meet MargaretYou are requesting information from Margaret Baczkowski
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(386) 299-0210 E-Mail Me
Meet TaraYou are requesting information from Tara Baptiste
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish, Portuguese
(786) 483-0830 E-Mail Me
Meet PabloYou are requesting information from Pablo Barreneche Velez
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 606-1859 E-Mail Me
Meet BrittneyYou are requesting information from Brittney Barreto
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(786) 945-1338 E-Mail Me
Meet JamieYou are requesting information from Jamie Barreto
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 790-8052 E-Mail Me
Meet LauraYou are requesting information from Laura Barreto Haney
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(646) 263-8461 E-Mail Me
Meet LeslieYou are requesting information from Leslie Bettison
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 458-0023 E-Mail Me
Meet Gabriel F.You are requesting information from Gabriel F. Bifano, PA
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 510-0035 E-Mail Me
Meet ChristopherYou are requesting information from Christopher Blackman
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 710-3704 E-Mail Me
Meet MorganYou are requesting information from Morgan Blittner
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(786) 252-4607 E-Mail Me
Meet AllisonYou are requesting information from Allison Blumenthal, PA
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, French, Italian, Spanish
(305) 496-0792 E-Mail Me
Meet LauraYou are requesting information from Laura Botero
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(917) 929-5859 E-Mail Me
Meet LanceYou are requesting information from Lance Butnick
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(305) 781-4540 E-Mail Me
Meet MairymYou are requesting information from Mairym Casal
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(786) 514-0040 E-Mail Me
Meet Leon "Rodrigo"You are requesting information from Leon "Rodrigo" Castellon
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(305) 978-3481 E-Mail Me
Meet NoeliaYou are requesting information from Noelia Chaskielberg
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Korean
(703) 969-9596 E-Mail Me
Meet JoyceYou are requesting information from Joyce Choi
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 905-2899 E-Mail Me
Meet Seth AYou are requesting information from Seth A Cohen
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 505-4638 E-Mail Me
Meet Jeff J.You are requesting information from Jeff J. Cohen, PA
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(305) 992-3894 E-Mail Me
Meet Anna ChristinaYou are requesting information from Anna Christina Cooper, PA
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(305) 491-4780 E-Mail Me
Meet PiaYou are requesting information from Pia Cosculluela-Sague
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
(305) 491-0649 E-Mail Me
Meet PedroYou are requesting information from Pedro Cuberos
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(786) 553-0601 E-Mail Me
Meet Wilfredo 'Willy'You are requesting information from Wilfredo 'Willy' Daniel
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish, Portuguese
(732) 447-4350 E-Mail Me
Meet IsaacYou are requesting information from Isaac De Castro
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(786) 554-3085 E-Mail Me
Meet PhilippeYou are requesting information from Philippe Diener
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, French, Arabic
(305) 338-9697 E-Mail Me
Meet VivianYou are requesting information from Vivian Dimond
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, French
(786) 412-2235 E-Mail Me
Meet ChrisYou are requesting information from Chris Dreyfuss
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(305) 962-7172 E-Mail Me
Meet CarolinaYou are requesting information from Carolina Echarte, MBA
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish, Portuguese
(407) 697-8189 E-Mail Me
Meet MarinaYou are requesting information from Marina Elliot
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Hebrew
(786) 670-5992 E-Mail Me
Meet MorYou are requesting information from Mor Ezer
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(305) 900-6969 E-Mail Me
Meet JavierYou are requesting information from Javier Fajardo
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(305) 562-5745 E-Mail Me
Meet CarlosYou are requesting information from Carlos Fernandez
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 731-5981 E-Mail Me
Meet ColinYou are requesting information from Colin Feuling
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 724 4041 E-Mail Me
Meet RochelleYou are requesting information from Rochelle Fraga
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(305) 546-8996 E-Mail Me
Meet ErnieYou are requesting information from Ernie Fraga
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(212) 365-8414 E-Mail Me
Meet DoreenYou are requesting information from Doreen Fuentes
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(305) 321-1586 E-Mail Me
Meet Francisco J.You are requesting information from Francisco J. Fuertes
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 333-3344 E-Mail Me
Meet NelsonYou are requesting information from Nelson Garcia, Jr
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(631) 766-0066 E-Mail Me
Meet MaureenYou are requesting information from Maureen Geary
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(301) 752-4448 E-Mail Me
Meet SteveYou are requesting information from Steve Gellerson PA
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(301) 752-4741 E-Mail Me
Meet SharonYou are requesting information from Sharon Gellerson PA
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(954) 258-0823 E-Mail Me
Meet Ronn RubinYou are requesting information from Ronn Rubin Glanz
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 798-1087 E-Mail Me
Meet CarolineYou are requesting information from Caroline Glick, J.D.
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 389-1007 E-Mail Me
Meet Richard S.You are requesting information from Richard S. Green, PA
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 785-3618 E-Mail Me
Meet GaleYou are requesting information from Gale Grobman
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(305) 458-1940 E-Mail Me
Meet OdetteYou are requesting information from Odette Guerra
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(305) 497-6651 E-Mail Me
Meet AlexYou are requesting information from Alex Gutierrez
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 479-8604 E-Mail Me
Meet MiyakoYou are requesting information from Miyako Haag
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Arabic
(305) 951-2211 E-Mail Me
Meet SaadYou are requesting information from Saad Hamdan
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(786) 501-1786 E-Mail Me
Meet CadijaYou are requesting information from Cadija Harris
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(786) 277-9092 E-Mail Me
Meet ClaudiaYou are requesting information from Claudia Hersman
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
954-592-4408 E-Mail Me
Meet MatthewYou are requesting information from Matthew Huston
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(305) 299-3205 E-Mail Me
Meet LilianYou are requesting information from Lilian Iraheta
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(917) 710-7893 E-Mail Me
Meet AdamYou are requesting information from Adam Joffe
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(754) 262-8358 E-Mail Me
Meet Thomas ShriverYou are requesting information from Thomas Shriver Jones
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(305) 303-4112 E-Mail Me
Meet BelkisYou are requesting information from Belkis Jorge
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish, Portuguese
(786) 376-0878 E-Mail Me
Meet ZivkaYou are requesting information from Zivka Jovanovich
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 987-3751 E-Mail Me
Meet KathyYou are requesting information from Kathy Kaufler
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 332-3337 E-Mail Me
Meet KianaYou are requesting information from Kiana Kaye Lowrance