This is a general information request form. Fill out your info and we'll get right back to you.
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
Every member of the Brown Harris Stevens sales team is an elite real estate professional who will provide you with an outstanding level of service and extensive knowledge about the area and properties for sale. We are pleased to stand above the rest as one of Miami's most-respected sales teams. Our licensed professionals are members in good standing of the National Association of Realtors, the Florida Association of Realtors, and the Miami Association of Realtors
I speak English
(786) 447-8340 E-Mail Me
Meet RodolpheYou are requesting information from Rodolphe Acelor
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(954) 655-6762 E-Mail Me
Meet LornaYou are requesting information from Lorna Acuna
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish, Hebrew
305-457-9109 E-Mail Me
Meet MaayanYou are requesting information from Maayan Alishayev
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
917-767-1082 E-Mail Me
Meet CharlesYou are requesting information from Charles Andrews
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(312) 371-8379 E-Mail Me
Meet MargaretYou are requesting information from Margaret Baczkowski
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(386) 299-0210 E-Mail Me
Meet TaraYou are requesting information from Tara Baptiste
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish, Portuguese
(786) 483-0830 E-Mail Me
Meet PabloYou are requesting information from Pablo Barreneche Velez
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 710-3704 E-Mail Me
Meet MorganYou are requesting information from Morgan Blittner
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, French, Italian, Spanish
(305) 496-0792 E-Mail Me
Meet LauraYou are requesting information from Laura Botero
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(917) 929-5859 E-Mail Me
Meet LanceYou are requesting information from Lance Butnick
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(786) 514-0040 E-Mail Me
Meet Leon "Rodrigo"You are requesting information from Leon "Rodrigo" Castellon
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(305) 978-3481 E-Mail Me
Meet NoeliaYou are requesting information from Noelia Chaskielberg
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 905-2899 E-Mail Me
Meet Seth AYou are requesting information from Seth A Cohen
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, French
(786) 412-2235 E-Mail Me
Meet ChrisYou are requesting information from Chris Dreyfuss
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish, Portuguese
(407) 697-8189 E-Mail Me
Meet MarinaYou are requesting information from Marina Elliot
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Hebrew
(786) 670-5992 E-Mail Me
Meet MorYou are requesting information from Mor Ezer
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(305) 900-6969 E-Mail Me
Meet JavierYou are requesting information from Javier Fajardo
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 731-5981 E-Mail Me
Meet ColinYou are requesting information from Colin Feuling
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(212) 365-8414 E-Mail Me
Meet DoreenYou are requesting information from Doreen Fuentes
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(631) 766-0066 E-Mail Me
Meet MaureenYou are requesting information from Maureen Geary
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(301) 752-4448 E-Mail Me
Meet SteveYou are requesting information from Steve Gellerson PA
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(301) 752-4741 E-Mail Me
Meet SharonYou are requesting information from Sharon Gellerson PA
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(954) 258-0823 E-Mail Me
Meet Ronn RubinYou are requesting information from Ronn Rubin Glanz
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 785-3618 E-Mail Me
Meet GaleYou are requesting information from Gale Grobman
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 479-8604 E-Mail Me
Meet MiyakoYou are requesting information from Miyako Haag
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(786) 501-1786 E-Mail Me
Meet CadijaYou are requesting information from Cadija Harris
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
954-592-4408 E-Mail Me
Meet MatthewYou are requesting information from Matthew Huston
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(754) 262-8358 E-Mail Me
Meet Thomas ShriverYou are requesting information from Thomas Shriver Jones
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(305) 303-4112 E-Mail Me
Meet BelkisYou are requesting information from Belkis Jorge
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish, Portuguese
(786) 376-0878 E-Mail Me
Meet ZivkaYou are requesting information from Zivka Jovanovich
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, French, Spanish
(786) 798-0748 E-Mail Me
Meet LizaYou are requesting information from Liza Kharoubi Echenique
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(917) 902-9308 E-Mail Me
Meet ElizabethYou are requesting information from Elizabeth Lehrman
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish, Mandarin
917-334-7877 E-Mail Me
Meet Vickie SYou are requesting information from Vickie S Li
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(858) 776-4092 E-Mail Me
Meet NicoleYou are requesting information from Nicole Lombrozo
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(786) 999-5898 E-Mail Me
Meet KeithYou are requesting information from Keith Marks
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(479) 871-5449 E-Mail Me
Meet Maria LauraYou are requesting information from Maria Laura Morris
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 877-7604 E-Mail Me
Meet MonikaYou are requesting information from Monika Olimpiew
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Italian, Spanish
(305) 479-0978 E-Mail Me
Meet Carmela "Maria"You are requesting information from Carmela "Maria" Pellegrini
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(908) 907-6129 E-Mail Me
Meet GabrielaYou are requesting information from Gabriela Pellegrini
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, French
(718) 431-3533 E-Mail Me
Meet NathalieYou are requesting information from Nathalie Peron-De Lange
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
(860) 961-8995 E-Mail Me
Meet Claudino "Rodrigo"You are requesting information from Claudino "Rodrigo" Pita
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(786) 253-9358 E-Mail Me
Meet ErnestYou are requesting information from Ernest Poblacion
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 900-7631 E-Mail Me
Meet RobertYou are requesting information from Robert Posner
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 458-3612 E-Mail Me
Meet Pierre-JacquesYou are requesting information from Pierre-Jacques Rabie
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 606-8686 E-Mail Me
Meet MaritsaYou are requesting information from Maritsa Rabie
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(609) 731-9196 E-Mail Me
Meet Ronald J.You are requesting information from Ronald J. Rick III
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(786) 285-5964 E-Mail Me
Meet Deven RyanYou are requesting information from Deven Ryan Rojas
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 609-7176 E-Mail Me
Meet Sheila "Michelle"You are requesting information from Sheila "Michelle" Rojas
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 297-3077 E-Mail Me
Meet KatrinaYou are requesting information from Katrina Rosendary
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 785-8663 E-Mail Me
Meet AbbyYou are requesting information from Abby Rubin
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Portuguese
(786) 351-0808 E-Mail Me
Meet SoniaYou are requesting information from Sonia Toth
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish, Portuguese
(305) 851-1556 E-Mail Me
Meet SebastianYou are requesting information from Sebastian Vallejo
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 495-8417 E-Mail Me
Meet LisaYou are requesting information from Lisa Van Wagenen
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Italian
(718) 300-0660 E-Mail Me
Meet JosephYou are requesting information from Joseph Vicari
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(305) 608-0780 E-Mail Me
Meet LisetteYou are requesting information from Lisette Vigoa
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(646) 359-0062 E-Mail Me
Meet AngelinaYou are requesting information from Angelina Williams
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Spanish
(312) 479-8790 E-Mail Me
Meet LisYou are requesting information from Lis Wilthew
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English, Italian, Hebrew
786-925-4098 E-Mail Me
Meet Noa "Figari"You are requesting information from Noa "Figari" Yavkovski
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
I speak English
(305) 812-2181 E-Mail Me
Meet Anai ReisaYou are requesting information from Anai Reisa Zetrenne
If you have any questions or any problem using this form, please call (305) 726-0100
Brown Harris Stevens recommends that buyers, sellers and renters of real estate consult appropriate professionals for legal and other specialized advice.
Information presented on this website is believed to be accurate but is not warranted. Oral representations should not be considered valid. Information presented on this site (and in generated reports) may contain listings from both Brown Harris Stevens and other brokers who cooperate with Brown Harris Stevens. The content on this webpage (including drawings, photos, text and other materials) may have been provided by developers, third parties or others, and may have been extracted from a developer's marketing materials. Brown Harris Stevens does not warrant the accuracy of such information. You should consult your Purchase Agreement, Contract and Condominium Documents for accurate information. Brown Harris Stevens is an independent broker and has no developer affiliation, unless otherwise noted.